Important Cycling Metrics You Should Know

Ruby Choi 0 Commentaires

This guide highlights important cycling metrics to track for better rides. Metrics such as speed, distance, time, elevation, calories, cadence, heart rate, and power are discussed. Tracking these metrics can help monitor and improve cycling performance, set goals, and optimize training.
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How to Read Your Heart Rate During Exercise?

Ruby Choi 0 Commentaires

What does the heart rate on a bracelet, watch, or heart rate monitor during exercise really mean? Do you measure your heart rate during exercise? Nowadays, there are more and more people using sports bracelets, sports watches. The cost of products that accurately measure heart rate, such as sports bracelets, watches. As a result, measuring...
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What is cadence? How can I improve?

Ruby Choi 0 Commentaires

When we first started cycling, it was easy to get lost in all the terminology. We quickly realized that there are many words that can be confusing, especially for beginners. One of these words is "cadence", and it's an important concept to understand if you want to improve your cycling performance. What is cadence?...
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Qu'est-ce que la cadence du cyclisme et pourquoi est-ce important ?

Ruby Choi 0 Commentaires

Que vous soyez un cycliste d'élite ou un cycliste amateur pour des raisons de santé, vous avez probablement remis en question votre cadence de pédalage et votre efficacité globale sur le vélo. Qu'est-ce que la cadence ? Pourquoi la cadence est-elle importante dans votre pilotage ? Et comment mesurer notre cadence ? Vous trouverez les...
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